Wednesday, 17 August 2022

js13k2022 - The Devil's 4-Play - Completed!

 I have run out of my very short time scale for this years js13kgames contest. My final product is called "The Devil's Four-Play" and I am quite happy with it. This new version has some nice flavour text and pretty icons with a 'hellish' theme.

You can play it online using this link.

I am very happy with the outcomes of the project - it has all the features I imagined and looks polished. 

I only used 8kb of the 13kb available and did the project in about 20 hours of development.

This was an intense 4 day project for me because of my travel plans.

Good luck to all the other competitors and use your remaining days well! 

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

js13k2022 - The Devil's 4-Play - Almost there!

 Had a few more hours after work yesterday to put some pretty graphics and theming on the game and added some new sounds effects.

I've decided to called it 'The Devil's 4-play' and themed it much more hell-like.

Here is the latest version and the long term archive version here.

I still need some extra copy on the intro and help sections; and I'd like to make the sounds better - but I have to finish in the next 24 hours so we'll see how it goes.

Sunday, 14 August 2022

JS13k - day 2 - almost done

 In my super short time scale js13k this year I've spent much of the time I've got available but with some  solid hard work today I've got a good ai playing at various levels of skill.

Have enhanced some of the graphics and made it a bit friendlier. My current live version at . Archived version on github (no online play).

Tomorrow I want to display moves and scoring more clearly, take a look at how to theme and colour the game and work with the audio a bit.

JS13k 2022 - First Version

 Been hard at work in these first hours - here is a first working version of my tic-tac-toe like strategy game.

I started with my own turn based game starter project , took a lot of inspiration from this codepen and did a bit of work with css perspective to get a working (mostly responsive) board layout.

The AI player doesn't work yet but you can play another human online or locally and the rules are explained (somewhat) and implemented. The latest working version is served for multiplayer here. Local  play only archive of this code is here

A long days work - tomorrow I program the AI player.

Saturday, 13 August 2022

JS13k 2022 - Starts Now

 For several years I've enjoyed the js13kgames contest and have consistently created an entry.

This year is a bit difficult as I am adventure travelling for 27 out the 31 days of the competition thus I intent to submit my final product 4 days from now and find out about the results when I return in 5 weeks.

This year I have 10-15 hours of development time over 4 days as opposed to my usual 30 - 50 hours over 4 weeks. So that is a constraint.

This year I'd am planning a simple turn based game with these features:

  • Play 2 human players on one device; play two human players online; play vs AI
  • Have varied and worthy AI opponents
  • Abstract strategy game
  • Some simple audio effects
  • Glowing, tron-like, neon 80's appearance
The contest is started - the theme is 'Death'. 

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

JS13k Warm Up 2022

 This years js13k will be a bit different for me - I am travelling for most of the 30 days and it seems unlikely I'll spend more than 15 hours on the project before I leave. However I've completed every year for 7 years and would like to do a simple respectable entry.

Last year I spend a significant portion of the time setting up infrastructure for my project which was required to play in three modes (player vs player local; player vs player online and player vs AI) and the UI interface to support these modes including a lobby where on line players can meet.

In order to avoid this overhead this year I decided to do a public prep framework with some basics required to support a two player turn based game. This new structure makes extensive use of async/await to make the game code very readable; it also support basic audio support; a menu system;js13k style sockets support for multi-player and some basic DOM manipulation code.

The 'game' in this example is a trivial game where each player takes a turn and the game ends after 5 turns.

A running installation can be found here  and the code is publicly available here.