Friday, 15 May 2015

Game 5: 80/20?

I've got a few more last cards to clean up on this project but I'm basically done - this version is a playable game with lots (but not nearly enough yet) of words and two comic strips.

I just have to write tutorial text; bulk up (and reorder) the word lists and I'll be done. Then I give it ten days to give my artistic cohorts a chance to sketch comics before a final release.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Quicker Than Hanging - Almost a Game

I have come just a little further and now have a version that includes some artwork and replayablility.

You can take a look at the latest if you like and see how the cartoon strip showing how close you are to death works.

I would ideally like 20-50 versions of this cartoon and as such would welcome art contributions from anyone who thinks it would be fun. I need 4 square frames arranged left to right in a single graphic file like so:
The frames represent starting state, one error, two errors and death respectively.
The idea is to do a cartoon of a fast and hopefully funny death.
I don't really care much about resolution but something like 2000px x 500px will look good on high end devices.
Black background: Goes with the rest of the (blackboard) theme but I have a plan for white background cartoons if you prefer.
Ownership: All aspects of twelvegamesayear (including artwork) I publish as free to use creative commons; your contribution will thus become cc.
Mail any art to me directly. (Sooner would be better but I'll release a final version at the end of the month)

Monday, 11 May 2015

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Quicker Than Hanging

For my next game idea I have a simple derivative of the famous paper and ink word guessing game 'Hang Man'.

My version is a little easier because more information is given but harder because it has less room for mistakes. More information in the sense that the bounding boxes of the letters are shown so one can distinguish the tall letters and those that go below the base line from most ordinary letters. Less room for error in that you only get to make three mistakes whereas traditional hangman allows 6/7/8 depending on how you play.

I am thinking of using handwritten look - probably like chalk on a black board. The bit of the board where the traditional hangman would go I want to fill with the same idea with cartoons of sudden ways to die (in square four frames - starting, 2 errors, death) - I was hoping to somehow source these by smiling hopefully at talented friends - otherwise I try some art myself.

The programming is undemanding for this project which is appropriate because I'm short on time this month.