Sunday 20 August 2017

Js13k Day 7 - Level 1 Demo and Progress Analysis

So one week in into js13k I have this demo which might sort of look like level 1 of the game  which is cool. the demo has audio effects; detailed (if not pretty) graphics and currently weighs in at 4.73kb (about 33% of the 13k).

In italics, the original feature list I posted on this blog:
  • Elegant, minimal meta-game interfacing with access to all levels: No work on this yet and I wonder if I want it more cute than elegant,
  • Persistent local storage of progress and achievements: Not yet implemented but I'm getting ideas for how to give awards for the levels.
  • Very elegant, abstract representation of the game play with minimal interface.- think my current display demo is pleasing and clear, so I'm winning here.
  • Unique appearance for each level - algorithmic backgrounds and feature generation. Each little spark is unique and the general engine I'm using to draw tiles is very configurable on a per tile basis; so I've got good tools for this but am not using them yet.
  • Playable without external instructions - tutorials if needed.Seems like I;m going to need a little text to explain things but the interface should be easy enough that players can figure it out by poking it,
  • Simple but varied audio effects for events and UI responses. Got a few different sounds in the demo and the sparks chirp a bit at random - I am pretty happy with the ideas here and the code works nicely but need to introduce more variation.
  • Game play that extends over 20+ levels which might take several hours to consume and at its hardest will be challenging to most adult players. I've got a good level editor which is easy to design with so it should be easy enough to design 20 or so levels. I'm not sure I'll get a couple of hours of play - that would imply the average levels takes 5-7 minutes to master which is quite a long time. The final criteria (challenging to adults) I am currently quite confident about - I think the puzzle system is going to be complex enough to be quite interesting.
  • Playable/usable on all screens and devices: I think my current demo works universally although I haven't tested it. The basic square puzzle space (which is big enough on the smallest device) and some flex box magic is going to make this all work without much cost in effort of bytes,

So one week in, using a third of the bytes, and still mostly seeing my goals as achievable - so far so good.

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